今天要介紹的是 Distilled BERT,是由hugging face在今年(2019)所提出的一篇論文,相信用pytorch來做BERT的朋友一定對 hugging face 不陌生,他們在 Github上開源的transformers專案提供許多Pytorch用戶可以方便的使用BERT相關模型
大致上Distilled BERT的思想就是這樣簡單,根據作者的實驗數據,DistilBERT的參數大約只有BERT的40%,而速度快了60%,並保有一定一精準度
作者提出的DistilBERT的架構,層數為BERT的一半,這邊的重點其實是Loss Function,訓練採用的Loss Function為三種的結合(Triple Loss
Distillation Loss
: 從圖中可以看出,當BERT預測($t_{i}$)越高,而DistilBERT預測($s_{i}$)越低,產生的Loss就會越高,而機率是通過 softmax-temperature (Hinton et al., 2015) 計算Masked Language Modeling Loss
: 參考BERTCosine Embedding Loss
: 用於讓DistilBERT能趨向產生跟BERT更像的hidden vector
Student Architecture
Linear layer and Layer Normalization
: 已被高度優化且證明有效(Highly optimized),因此不更動The size of hidden vector of last layer
: 根據實驗發現減少 hidden vector size 並不太影響效能Number of layers
: 影響效能、推理速度較多,因此作者注重在此參數
Student Initialization
Compute Power
8 16GB V100 GPUs for approximately 90hrs on Toronto Book Corpus(原先BERT使用的資料集)
- GLUE: DistilBERT retrain 97% of BERT performance,有些甚至超越BERT Base
- IMDb accuracy: BERT(93.46) DistilBERT(92.82)
- Speed(A full pass of GLUE task): BERT(668s) ELMo(895s) DistilBERT(410s)
On device computation
將容量縮小後,也可以直接將模型放在設備端(i.e. APP),論文中的DistilBERT大約207MB大
- Building a mobile application for QA
- 207 MB, could be further reduced with quantization
運行在下游任務(Downstream tasks)
We also studied whether we could add another step of distillation during the adaptation phase by fine-tuning DistilBERT on SQuAD using a BERT model previously fine-tuned on SQuAD as a teacher for an additional term in the loss (knowledge distillation). In this setting, there are thus two successive steps of distillation, one during the pre-training phase and one during the adaptation phase.
從上面的段落看來,在問答任務(屬於一種下游任務)中,將DistilBERT再跟Fine-tuned BERT進行一次蒸餾,就可以達到不錯效果